Freitag, 17. Oktober 2014

[Android Tutorial] 1. Introduction

Hey there,
due to a workshop i gave in my company i thought i also introduce you to android development. This will be a most practical workshop but some theory is necessary to get your things done. To give this tutorial an overall relaxed apperance i will wrap it with a tiny neat story.

What are we going to do?

First of all you will get a theoretical introduction about the most important things in the world of our tiny little green helper. Afterwards i will explain how to set up you computer so you can develop apps by yourself. If you got that far we will start doing a lot of exercises. Starting with a simple hello world we will make our way to do an organizer app which saves lists of data.

Why should i learn android?

  • Very similiar to java programming
    • If you already developed in java you will have a good time
  • Google loves every developer
    • compared to iOS where you need to pay to be able to develop
  • Uploading apps to the Play Store is really easy

What do i need to know to follow this tutorial?

You need to be familiar with Java. I will use a little bit of inheritance and maybe some generics aswell.

Let's get started. If you don't understand something or something is unclear just use the comments or email me to

Have fun :)

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